We are living with our beagle pack
in Lower-Austria, in “Weinviertel”. That wasn’t always the case. Our separate
dog-story started many years before we got our first beagle, but our common beagle-story
had the beginning in 2008.
At that time, we were living – like many
of you – in Vienna. And – also like many of you – decided about our first dog
while doing lots of researches, while looking at all kind of breeds but we
stuck at the beagle. Also like many of you, we wanted a medium sized, cute
looking dog with a friendly character – and we also read all the negative
stories about the breed. Like they are all greedy, all dumb, just running away,
destructive and loud.
Still, we listened to our gut, and
choose the beagle. As it began, it was not clear to us, beagles will be the
biggest passion in our life. And we also never expected them be just like
potato chips, one is not enough.
- Our first beagle, Lopez (Gold Junior
Lopez) joined us in 2008 – he was anything but a typical beagle. He was not
greedy, he was obedient, he loved fetch games and swimming and he almost never
barked. We followed the advice of his breeder and we entered him to the first
shows as a puppy – needless to say, we had likely no idea about showing and handling
a dog and the beagle standard meant at that time almost nothing to us. Lopez was
not a show dog, he did it only for us. So he reached about a dozen championships,
he succeeded at field trials but he still was just our beloved pet dog.
- Some time later we simply thought,
one beagle is no beagle, and took our first female, the Queen – our Dream
(Maglodi Biggy-Boys Dream). Well, she showed us immediately upon arrival what a
real beagle is! Greedy, loud, obedient only if she wanted to, very smart. The
idea of breeding also arrived with her. So, she became (after many champion titles, a working trial and health testing) the base of our
breeding. We never wanted just to breed to produce puppies. We wanted to show, breeding can be something
done with heart and knowledge. We wanted (and still want) every puppy to leave
us well socialized and reared for many situations which can come up in the
everyday life. We wanted (and want) our puppy families to trust us, to know
that we are always in the background if help is needed, and to be our partners
in a fantastic adventure of raising a beagle puppy.
- In the meantime, and before our
first litter Justin (Basic Drive’s Just Start Again) came to our family. And he
was again a different personality – we learned how individual beagles are, and
how the stereotypes don’t fit. He was our little macho, he loved showing and winning, he
was just the one who always wanted to be in the middle of the attention.
And so arrived our first puppies, in
2010 – Olive (Vienna Calling All In) is still in our family, now in 2023 as the
eldest of our pack.
Of course, we could continue the line up of all the beagles who lived and are living in our home, who share their life hundred percentile with us, but this would be too long. Meet them on their individual pages!
- During all the years I (Helena) always
wanted to learn and to educate myself for the favor of our own beagles, our
puppies and our beloved breed. I finished a two-year long dog trainer and behavior
therapist training; I followed many breeding seminars and dog trainer seminars.
I became litter controller by the Austrian Beagle Club, and during some long
years of learning I passed finally the exam to become a beagle conformation
specialist judge. I learned about the Puppy Culture program, and use it by our
litters, contributing a lot of time for each puppy in the sensitive time of
growing up.
Thomas became during the years a
successful show handler – he is not only presenting our own dogs in the show
ring around Europe and a bit more, but also dogs from other breeds. He also
absolved the course and became certified animal shipper, which assures that any
dog on board with him is cared professionally.
We together stand behind each puppy
and each family, we are always here if needed. We are very happy to be able
to follow up the lives of our puppies. So far our family days were always a
great success and for us they mean a little bit more than Christmas.
We could list up a lot – and I mean
LOT – champion titles we earned, many successful results from field trials,
from the agility or rally-obedience ring of our dogs and our offspring. We are
very proud of any beagles of our breeding who contributed to other breedings
and show homes around the world – from the UK till South Africa, from Canada to
Guatemala, from Island to Italy and so on. But we are the same proud of every puppy living the life at their perfect homes.
The best is, if you think a beagle
should join your life just to get in touch with us, we will happily answer any
specific question and you can come and meet our fabulous and crazy pack.