Justin was a dream come true - our cuddly Teddy bear, a rather small boy with lots of ego and stamina. He was always sleeping in our bed, and he was the best feet warmer. With him we started the path of success at the shows, he was not a typical European looking beagle, but his quality was still seen by some breed specialists. He resembled a lot to his world-famous father, Parker. We learned together and started our breeding with him. Some of his offsprings is still doing very well in the rings and in the breeding.
We had to let him go by he was doing very poorly, and this was a very hart decision. His loss is still hurting.
Callname: Justin
Breeder: "Basic Drive's" - the Netherlands
Color: Tricolor (heterozygous, blue carrier)
Height at whithers: 37cm
MLS N/N clear
NCCD N/N clear
IGS N/N clear
Lafora clear
DNA deposited
© Vienna Calling Beagles