Caralotta aka Lotti moved to our long time friends Silvia & Ernst. Their small pack welcomed Lotti upon arrival and she became a full member of the girls-pack of Dana, Marcie & Ziva. Lotti is a gorgeous little girl, lovely and sweet. She has an amazing feminine expression with deep dark eyes, solid outlines, great proportions and moves freely with superb stride. She was not shown often still she has some remarkable titles and beside, she also passed some "companion dog exams" (BH-VT-ÖPO / Wesentest / FCI-IBGH1 ). She is a dream girl for sure who also became a perfect mummy.
Callname: Lotti
Color: Tricolor
Height at whithers: 38cm
MLS N/N clear by parentage
NCCD N/N clear by parentage
© Vienna Calling Beagles