Bonita is simply a darling. She is sweet, she is cuddly, she is always ready for everything and she greets us each morning with her unique AROO. She is a girl on the bigger side, but built in harmony with clean outlines and a perfect long neck. She has an adorable face although she could be a tad more feminine. She moves with ground covering free stride. Her highlight in the showring amoung a dozen of titles was being placed third at Crufts which was an extraordinary moment for us. She was a super easy caring mum, she always did everything perfectly. Now she enjoys being a grumpy auntie sometimes with the young generations. We love her easy and happy way.
Callname: Bonita
Color: Tricolor (heterozygotous)
Height at whithers: 39cm
parents hunting proven
MLS N/N clear by parentage
NCCD N/N clear by parentage
© Vienna Calling Beagles