Blast from the past

Here you see some outstanding memories from our beagles' very international show career - let's call them magic moments to treasure forever!

Double IDS Salzburg, Austria, 2024

Emma - Evening Joy Emma of Houndmusic Meadows returns as Alpensiegerin'24 & new Austrian Junior Champion and Dundee - Vienna Calling Endless Emotion as Alpensieger'24 & new Austrian Champion. They were judged by Darko Drobnjak (SRB) and Dr. Roberto Schill (RO)

Arad Dog Shows, Romania, 2024

Our darling Dundee - Vienna Calling Endless Emotion comes back from Romania as a brand new Romanian Champion. 

IDS Tulln, Austria, 2024

Vienna Calling Eternal Flame aka Piri fulfilled the requirements of the Austrian Champion under judges Iva Cernohoubova (CZ) & Hans van den Berg (NL)

Österreich Show & Club Winner from the ABC, Hohenbrunn, Austria, 2024

The Österreich-Show and the Club Winner took place this year in Upper Austria in the beautiful Hohenbrunn Castle. We already have many wonderful memories associated with this location, and this year we also had some great successes!

Vienna Calling High Voltage - Balu (Owner: Birgit & Luca Hinterberger)

Vienna Calling Hope for Future - Hexe

Evening Joy Emma of Houndmusic Meadows - Emma (Breeder: Silvia Koller)
Österreich-JugendShowSieger'24 & Clubjugendsiegerin'24

Judged by Hana Ahrens (A), Barbara Müller (CH)

IDS Stetin, Poland, 2024

Vienna Calling Just a Surprise - Merle who actually lives in Germany, at the Kennel "von der Festungsstadt" was shown in Poland. She got her last ticket for the Polish Junior Champion and qualified for Crufts'25.

3x Szilvasvarad CACIB, Hungary, 2024

The youngest member of our pack, Lennox aka Vienna Calling Luthen Rael started his show career in the minor puppy class. Beside achieving his first title "Hungarian Minor Puppy Grand Winner" he was awarded res. Minor Puppy Best in Show.

2x CACIB + Hunting Dog Speciality, Gradacac, Bosnia-Hercegovina, 2024

Piri - Vienna Calling Eternal Flame
is now
Champion of Bosnia and Hercegovina
Champion of the Federation of Bosnia and Hercegovina
BKS Club Winner'24
Spring Winner'24
Crufts Qualification'25

She was crowned res Best in Show Hunting Specialty at the club show!

Balkan Tour, 2024

Emma - Evening Joy Emma of Houndmusic Meadows went on a big tour and came back with a big pack of new titles and awards. We are especially happy and proud that beside finishing some national junior champion titles she also fulfilled the requirements of the International Junior Champion (CIB-J)! Apart this, she went to res. Junior Best in Show as well on one of the shows.

Crufts, Birmingham, UK, 2024

What is a bigger honor as to participate (again) at the World's Greatest Dogshow! Again littermates, as back in 2015 and again both placed. 

Dundee - Vienna Calling Endless Emotion VHC (very highly commended) in Yearling class
Piri - Vienna Calling Eternal Flame VHC (very highly commended) in Postgraduate Class

Judged by H. Caple

Sarajevo Winner, Bosnia-Hercegovina, 2023

Our little Hexe - who actually things shows are totally boring and running free with the nose on the ground is much more fun - aka Vienna Calling Hope for Future was entered first time in juniors and she returned home with some new titles:
  • Junior Champion of Bosnia & Hercegovina
  • Junior Champion of the Federation of Bosnia & Hercegovina
  • Junior Sarajevo Winner'23
  • Sarajevo Winner'23
  • Junior Winter Winner'23
  • Winter Winnner'23
  • Crufts Qualification'24

3x IDS Komarom,  Speciality of the Hungarian Dalmatian and Scenthounds Club 
Hungary, 2023

Cute little Emma (Evening Joy Emma of Houndmusic Meadows) debuted in the puppy class - she already closed her first title and became "Hungaria Puppy Grand Winner". To top it, she was awarded Puppy Clubwinner'23 & res. Best Puppy in Show Speciality! Dundee (Vienna Calling Endless Emotion) was chosed Derby Winner'23 and Best Derby'23 as well.
While his sister, Piri (Vienna Calling Eternal Flame) finished her Hungarian Show Champion title. 
Judged by  László Erdös, Annamária Tarján, Mariano Galáb Zancajo, Wenche Charlotte Lagmo.

IDS Danube Winner, Tulln
Austria, 2023

Piri (Vienna Calling Eternal Flame) was awarded with the title Danube Winner'23 beside this, all Vienna Callings glanced with nice wins under judges Roland Spörr (A), Sigrid Jarmer (A) & Willi Güllix (S) and Elliot (Vienna Calling Quality Time) & Moritz (Vienna Calling United Spirit) closed their Austrian titles.

Balkan Tour, 2023

Dundee (Vienna Calling Endless Emotion) was on road with Thomas and he was shown in Ohrid & Gjilani. Beside the finished championship titles he was awarded Junior Best in Show#3, res. Junior Best in Show, Best in Show & Supreme Best in Show! Neeedless to say, we are very proud of Dundee!

3x IDS Debrecen, Hungary

Dundee (Vienna Calling Endless Emotion) started the first time in an adult class and crowned his weekend results with a Best in Show#3 under judges  Elena Agafonova (I), Sinisa Sancanin (SRB), Zafra Sirik (ISR).

3. Österreich-Show & Clubsiegerschau
Austrian Beagle Club
Hohenbrunn, Austria 2023

Beside some other class wins for the VC Team, Piri (Vienna Calling Eternal Flame) was the shining star of the double-show! 
She became Österreich-JugendShowSiegerin'23 under judge Heinz Watschinger, and on the next day she was awarded Clubjugendsiegerin'23 by Stefan Sinko!
With these both consecutive wins she also got the title Österreich-Double-Jugend-Showsiegerin'23!

IDS Békéscsaba 

Hungary, 2023

Piri (Vienna Calling Eternal Flame) was awarded Junior Best in Show #3 under judge Hans-Joachim Dux. 

Balkan Tour, 2023

Piri (Vienna Calling Eternal Flame) started through in the junior class and came home with remarkable results from a multiple country tour with Thomas. 

She is now beside some junior champion titles and a fulfilled International Junior Beauty Champion also Best in Show #3, Junior Best in Show, res. Junior Best in Show and Junior Best in Show #3!

Speciality of the Hungarian Dalmatian and Scenthounds Club Komarom, Hungary 2022

Little Piri (Vienna Calling Eternal Flame) goes Minor Puppy Best in Show Speciality under Nenad Devic.


Tulln, Austria 2022

Elliot (Vienna Calling Quality Time) is new Bundessieger'22 under Paula Heikinnen-Lehkonen.

IDS Agard 

Hungary, 2022

Dundee (Vienna Calling Endless Emotion) Minor Puppy Best in Show under Istvan Orcsik & Istvan Laszlo.

2nd Österreich Show Austrian Beagle Club Münchendorf, 2022

Our new generation has been very successful with just 3,5 months - both Dundee (Vienna Calling Endless Emotion) and Piri (Vienna Calling Eternal Flame) have won the baby class and became Best Baby Male & Best Baby Female.

Dollar (Vienna Calling Dollars to Donuts) won a competitive veteran class and became Österreich-Veteranen Show-sieger'22 under Zeferino Silva.

European Dog Show & 

Clubshow for group 6 Budapest, Hungary 2021

Cami (Vienna Calling Dame aux Camélias - owned by the Bigsmithy Kennel) goes Minor Puppy Best in Show.
Dollar (Vienna Calling Dollars to Donuts was placed 4th at the EDS.

IDS Danube Winner & Bundessieger 

Tulln, Austria 2021

Dollar (Vienna Calling Dollars to Donuts) still shining like a star - Veteran Danube Winner'21, Bundesveteranensieger'21 & res. Veteran Best in Show under judges Heinz Watschinger, Dr. Otto Schimpg & Sigrid Jarmer.

IDS Podgorica Montenegro, 2021

Dollar (Vienna Calling Dollars to Donuts) goes once more res. Veteran Best in Show under judge Tino Pehar.

IDS Komarom + Hound Group Specialty Hungary 2021

Dollar (Vienna Calling Dollars to Donuts) achieved a further res. Veteran Best in Show, a Veteran Best in Show 3rd and crowned with a Veteran Best in Show Specialty by judges Laszlo Kardos, Patricia Burunkai, Massimilliano Mannucci & Dr. Tamas Jakkel.

Hunting Dogs World Cup
Hungary, 2021

Dollar (Vienna Calling Dollars to Donuts) was awarded Hunting Dogs World Cup Veteran Winner by Lajos Holovitz (Gala Kennel).

IDS Turija & Backa Topola, Serbia 2021

Dollar (Vienna Calling Dollars to Donuts) started right through as veteran with winning res. Veteran Best in Show & Veteran Best in Show under judges Denis Kuzelj and Istvan Orcsik.

Österreich Show Austrian Beagle Club Münchendorf, 2021

Lotti (Vienna Calling Unicorns do Exist) was awarded "Österreich Show-siegerin'21" and "Vienna Calling" was once more the Best Breeding Group under Erwin Deutscher.

Skopje Challenge Makedonia, 2021

Merlin (Vienna Calling Young Merlin) is Junior Best in Show 4th under Miodrag Vretencic & Mitko Ilkanovski.

Club Show Austrian Beagle Club Münchendorf, Austria 2020

Lotti (Vienna Calling Unicorns do Exist) is new Junior Club Winner'20 under Heliane Maissen-Jarisch.

Specialty for Dalmatians and Scent Hounds

Papa, Hungary 2020

The first show after the lock down. Melba (Petite Etoile de la Voix du Der) went right to win Junior Best in Show Specialty 3rd while Arthur (Vienna Calling Arthur) the Foxhound was Puppy Best in Show Speciality under Dr. Vladimir Piskay.

NDS Brno 

Czech Republic, 2020

Elliot (Vienna Calling Quality Time) is new National Winner under breed specialist Lenka Frncova (Kennel Weinlinie).

Champion Show Budapest, Hungary 2019

Electra (Ammirabel Electra) is Hungarian Champion of Champions under judge Laszlo Erdos.

IDS Winter Classic Zagreb, Croatia 2019

Ebony (Vienna Calling Question of Time) goes Club Winner at the Speciality Show for German Hunting Terriers / Dachshounds & Hounds under judge Hans Almgren.

Together with Elliot they are Best Couple of the Speciality and "Vienna Calling" is Best Breeding Group. Elliot (Vienna Calling Quality Time) is new Zagreb Winner'19 under Harry Tast.

IDS Karlsruhe
Germany, 2019

Elliot (Vienna Calling Quality Time) became Alpensieger'19 & Sieger Baden Württemberg under judge Roland Spörr.

IDS Bratislava Slovakia, 2019

Melba (Petite Etoile de la Voix du Der) was Minor Puppy Best in Show under Hana Ahrens.

IDS Backa Topola Serbia, 2019

Melba (Petite Etoile de la Voix du Der) was Baby Best in Show 3rd at her very first show.

IDS Wieselburg Austria, 2019

Elliot (Vienna Calling Quality Time) was again at the top - he was awarded res. Best Junior of the Day! 

Both our "Vienna Calling" Couple & Breeding Group were placed as 1st under judges Istvan Nagy, Dr. Otto Schimpf & Otakar Vondrous.

World Dog Show Shanghai, China 2019

We just dared against all the odds and went to a World Dog Show literally at the other end of the world.

Elliot (Vienna Calling Quality Time) beside other wins became Junior World Winner under Stefan Sinko! With his sister Ebony (Vienna Calling Question of Time) they were Best Couple of the breed aswell.

NDS Hunting Breeds Kaposvar, Hungary 2019

Olive (Vienna Calling All In) was Veteran Best in Show 3rd under judges Levente Miklos & Olga Shinko.

IDS Bitola Makedonia, 2019

Elliot (Vienna Calling Quality Time) ends up Junior Best in Show 3rd under judge Pal Paroci.

Free State Houndshow South Africa, 2019

Fraser (Vienna Calling Prince Charming at Morninghunt) did it again - Best Puppy in Show under judge Neil Kay.

IDS Graz 

Austria, 2019

Beside Witch (Vienna Calling Judy Garland) winning the group, our couple was placed 2nd & our breeding group went Best Breeding Group under Marija Kavcic.

IDS Winterdogshow Budapest, Hungary 2019

Elliot (Vienna Calling Quality Time) started a remarkable career already as junior. He won his first breed and group wins plus he was Res. Junior Best in Show under judges Cristian Stefanescu, Sandor Szabo, Dr. Tamas Jakkel.

Both his sisters Ebony (Vienna Calling Question of Time) and Phys (Vienna Calling Quantum Theory) also started through, Phys was at her first show at the Northern & Midland Beagle Club show under judge Charlotte Ayres-Cousins (Viracocha Kennel) 2nd in Puppy and 4th in Novice class.

Beagle Association SA South Africa, 2019

Fraser (Vienna Calling Prince Charming at Morninghunt) is Baby Puppy of the Year!

IDS Wels 

Austria, 2018

To crown the year, our girls went Best Breeding Group judged by Nenad Devic.

European Dogshow Warszawa, Poland 2018

Both Olive (Vienna Calling All In) & Ebony (Vienna Calling Question of Time) ended up 3rd in their classes under Augusto Benedicto III Santos.

Bundessieger Tulln Austria, 2018

Milla (Vienna Calling Oriental Pearl) became Bundesjugendsiegerin under Dr. Zsuzsanna Balogh.

Fci Shows 

Johannesburg, South Africa 2018

Fraser (Vienna Calling Charming Prince - owned by the Morninghunt Kennel) started his show career with winning res. Baby Puppy Best in Show then Baby Puppy Best in Show under judges Karen Furk, Gerard Robinson, Richard Dempsey.

A week or two later he continued his path and was 2x again Baby Puppy Best in Show under breed specialists Jill Peak (Bayard Kennel) & Colin Ashmore (Buttermere Kennel).

World Dog Show Amsterdam, the Netherlands 2018

Kingston (Vienna Calling King of Kings) has won the very competitive open class under breed specialist judge Jill Peak (Bayard Kennel) - that was a WOW moment for sure!

Zeus Cup 

Katerini, Greece 2018

Milla (Vienna Calling Oriental Pearl) did what we thought can't happen so she became once Junior Best in Show 4th but then Junior Best in Show & Zeus Cup Junior Winner'18 under judges  Nikos Fotkopoulos,  Vojislav Al-Daghistani  & Istvan Orcsik. 

IDS Bled 

Slovenia, 2018

Both Kingston (Vienna Calling King of Kings - owned by the Novesia Beagles) and Freya (Vienna Calling I Am Legend) were awarded the title "Karawanken Winner" by Boris Debersek & Janez Nachtigal.

Hound Speciality Pro Segugio 

Lario Brianza, Italy 2018

We spent a wonderful day among friends in Italy and we could achieve some nice results! 

The highlight was Milla (Vienna Calling Oriental Pearl) who became Best Puppy In Show Speciality while Dollar (Vienna Calling Dollars to Donuts) & Witch (Vienna Calling Judy Garland) were Best Couple of the show under judges Stephen Jepson and Tim Jones (Eardley Kennel).


Birmingham, 2018

Although the beagles had no love that year, our Foxhounds did more than well with concurrence from their land of origin. 

Prof (Haughmill Prefect) was res. Best Dog and Topic (Haughmill Here to Stay) went right to Best Bitch & BOS!

Beagle & Bloodhound Clubshow 

Budapest, Hungary 2018

Little Milla (Vienna Calling Oriental Pearl) was Minor Puppy Club Winner while her half sister Witch (Vienna Calling Judy Garland) went Club Winner under judge Claudio di Giuliani.

Austrian Beagle Club Silver Veteran Female'17

Dream (Maglodi Biggy-Boys Dream) ranked once more by the year end cup competition of the Austrian Beagle Club.

Champion of Champions 

Wels, Austria 2017

What a wonderful and overwhelming evening it was!

Dollar (Vienna Calling Dollars to Donuts) went Champion of Champions all breed under the judge gremium Heliane Maissen-Jarisch, Marija Kavcic, Dr. Otto Schimpf, Hans Van Den Berg, Espen Engh. Certainly an one and only moment in life! 

Speciality of  Scenthounds and Earthdogs 

Zagreb, Croatia 2017

Odin (Vienna Calling Lemon Cheesecake) the blonde prince went Junior Best in Show Speciality 3rd under judge Erwin Deutscher.

World Dog Show Leipzig, Germany 2017

Both Prof (Haughmill Prefect) and Topic (Haughmill Here to Stay) became World Winners under Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel. 

European Dogshow Kyiv, Ukraine 2017

While Dollar (Vienna Calling Dollars to Donuts) went res. CAC under Adrian Landarte, he and Freya (Vienna Calling I Am Legend) were Best Couple of the Breed, our English Foxhound Prof (Haughmill Prefect) was awarded European Winner. 

The English Foxhounds were a short adventure in our life. We imported Prof and Topic (Haughmill Here to Stay) from the UK with the goal to make the breed more known and popular in Europa. Due to the sudden death of Prof this experience ended.

NDS Sremski Karlovci & IDS Irig
Serbia, 2017

Odin (Vienna Calling Lemon Cheesecake) showed his socks off and was awarded Junior Best in Show 3rd & Breeding Group "Vienna Calling" was placed 2x reserve under judges Dr. Zoran Lolic, Miromir Marinovic &  Dr. Mahmoud Al Daghistani.

IDS Klagenfurt
Austria, 2017

One more Best Breeding Group placement for "Vienna Calling" under Monika Blaha.

Austrian Beagle Club Golden Veteran Female'16

Dream (Maglodi Biggy-Boys Dream) became the best veteran female of the year by the cup competitions of the Austrian Beagle Club.

IDS Zagreb
Croatia 2016

Team Lieby (Vienna Calling Flame of Liberty) won Best in Show Hunting Working Dog at the prestigious Zagreb show under Refet Hadzic & Ümit Özkanal.

IDS & NDS Karlsruhe, Germany 2016

Dollar (Vienna Calling Dollars to Donuts) got the special titles Alpensieger, Sieger Baden-Württemberg'16 under Iva Cernohubova and Freya (Vienna Calling I Am Legend) was awarded Jugendbester /Junior Winner Karlsruhe by Dr. Peter Beyersdorf.

IDS Middle East European Winner & Bundessieger
Tulln, Austria 2016

Our grande dame Dream (Maglodi Biggy-Boys Dream) was awarded  Middle East European Veteran Winner by Elfriede Heidecker and Bundesveteranensiegerin'16 by Aleksandr Skrzynski. 

The young generation was placed 2nd & 1st in the Best Breeding Group competition.

Speciality Show of the Group 6
Kecskemet, Hungary 2016

Not just Freya (Vienna Calling I Am Legend) went Junior Best in Show Specialty, but Dollar&Bonita were Best Couple of the show and "Vienna Calling" Best Breeding Group under Nenad Devic.

1. Scenthound Speciality of the Austrian Beagle Club
St. Florian, Austria, 2016

Dollar (Vienna Calling Dollars to Donuts) was the absolute star of the day. After winning the breed under Heinz Watschinger he didn't stop till the win over all breeds and became Brackenshowsieger /Scenthound Show Winner 2016 (BISS) under Karl P. Reisinger.

NDS Hrusica
Slovenia, 2016

Freya (Vienna Calling I Am Legend) was chosen Puppy Best in Show by Boris Baic and Damljana Zindarsic Svegelj

IDS Maribor
Slovenia 2016

Little Freya (Vienna Calling I Am Legend) started through and was res. Minor Puppy Best in Show under Rade Dakic & Maria-Louise Doppelreiter.

FeHoVa Winterdogshow
Budapest, Hungary 2016

Little Electra (Ammirabel Electra) showed her socks off and went Minor Puppy Best in Show 3rd under judges Vilmos Kardos and  Carmen Navarro Guisado.

IDS Winner Show
Nitra, Slovakia 2015

Extremely proud of Drops (Vienna Calling Grand Final) for his Puppy Best in Show 3rd place under Miroslav Vaclavik &  Carlo Papp-Vasile.

NDS Monza
Italy, 2015

Lieby (Vienna Calling Flame of Liberty - owned by the Moonlightsky Kennel) started first time in a junior class and was awarded Junior Best in Show 3rd by Mr. Mentasti.

World Dog Show
Milano, Italy 2015

Two litter sisters, our Bonita (Vienna Calling Daddy's Little Girl) & Dana (Vienna Calling Dana My Dear - owned by Silvia Koller, Beagles of Houndmusic Meadows) were ranked 4th excellent in their classes under judge Carla Molinari. 

Birmingham, UK 2015

Our second time at the world's greatest dogshow was overwhelming - not just because of the athmosphere we love but because two of our, Austrian bred beagles were placed. To get a placement at the Crufts, in the homeland of our breed is more than a simple aknowledgement. Frank (Vienna Calling Desert Warrior) got Reserve and his sister, Bonita (Vienna Calling Daddy's Little Girl) was 3rd - both in the Yearling class, under breed specialist Christine Lewis - Fallowfield Beagles. 

Here Bonita's critique: "3 Tomkahazy-Hajek’s Vienna Calling Daddy’s Little Girl, lovely compact very feminine little bitch, finer but pretty head with soft expression, arched neck into well placed shoulders, good upper arm, short ribs & couplings, strong over the loin, correct bend of stifle, parallel hocks, moved well."

Austrian Beagle Club Cup Competition, 2014

Our kennel was awarded Austrian Beagle Club Bronze Breeder by the year-end cup competitions. This result includes the Austrian show results of all our dogs & offspring. Being a small breeder with not a huge number of own dogs it was a great achievement for us.

IDS Verona
Italy, 2014

Frank (Vienna Calling Desert Warrior) got the prestigious title  Trofeo Leone Alato 2014 under judge Marie Gadolin. He could participate at the finals of this competition where he was awarded res. BOG.

Hound Group Speciality
Zagreb, Croatia 2014

Our always happy Olive (Vienna Calling All In) beside achieving the titles "Winter Winner" & "Zagreb Winner" went Club Champion, won the breed and later became res. Best in Show Speciality while Frank (Vienna Calling Desert Warrior) was Junior Club Champion under judge Dr. Vladimir Piskay.

European Dogshow
Brno, Czech Republic 2014

We spent a very nice time in Brno together with some of our offspring. Our dogs were in the cards - Bonita (Vienna Calling Daddy's Little Girl) was awarded 4th excellent (winning a very competitive junior class also on the day before) and her brother Frank (Vienna Calling Desert Warrior) was placed excellent 3rd as well under judges Martin Sanders & Petr Dvorak. 

Bundessieger Tulln, Austria 2014

What a great day is was - our Bonita (Vienna Calling Daddy's Little Girl) became Bundesjugendsiegerin'14, her sister Dana (Vienna Calling Dana My Dear) was second to her and Ariel (Vienna Calling Clementine Clove) was awarded Bundessiegerin'14 by judge Petr Dvorak.

Night Show Villadose, Italy 2014

Frank (Vienna Calling Desert Warrior) - owned by Alice Borgato & Manuel Spaliviero (Kennel Whiteax) was not just awarded res. Junior Best in Show but also res. Best in Show!

IDS Oberwart,
Austria 2014

Bonita (Vienna Calling Daddy's Little Girl) ends the day as res. Junior Best of Day under judges Dr. Vladimir Piskay & Erwin Deutscher.

NDS Hrusica, Slovenia 2014

Bonita (Vienna Calling Daddy's Little Girl) achieved beside others a Junior Best in Show 3rd place under Heliane Maissen-Jarisch, IvetaVojtekova & Stefan Sinko.

Wintershow Trencin, Slovakia 2014

Baby Bonita (Vienna Calling Daddy's Little Girl) started through and became Minor Puppy Best in Show 3rd under Viera Staviarska & Olga Dolejsova

Winter Winner
Maribor, Slovenia 2013

Justin (Basic Drive's Just Start Again) became Winter Winner under judge Peter Machetanz - he repeated this title a year later.

Austrian Beagle Club Clubshow
Baden bei Wien, Austria 2013

Our breeding group was awarded Best Breeding group by judge Claudio di Giuliani.

Beagle Club Clubshow
Switzerland, 2013

Ariel (Vienna Calling Clementine Clove) was awarded not just Best Puppy in Show 3rd but also Best Foreigner from all entries outside Switzerland under Stuart Millner (Dialynne Kennel) & Elsbeth Clerc.

Beagle Club Clubshow
Slovakia, 2013

Flo (Vienna Calling Cinnamon Flower) went Baby Best in Show Speciality under breeder-judge Lajos Holovitz (Kennel Gala).

World Dog Show
Budapest, Hungary 2013

Flo (Vienna Calling Cinnamon Flower) was awarded Best Minor Puppy Female & Best Minor Puppy of the Breed under judge Hassi Assenmacher-Feyel while her sister, Ariel (Vienna Calling Clementine Clove) was second next to her.

St. Gallen, Switzerland 2013

Ariel (Vienna Calling Clementine Clove) rocked at her first show the ring and was awarded Baby Best in Show by John Wauben & Lisbeth Mach. She repeated this a week later in Italy, at the Beagle Open Show under Leanne Duval (Beagelee Kennel). Ariel is owned by Federica Cibin (Moonlightsky Beagles)

2nd Hound Show 
Austria, 2013

Ferdinand (Vienna Calling Advantage Player) went Best of Breed then Best in Show Speciality under judges Friederike Grünke (Beastie Beagles) & Hana Ahrens.

Austrian Beagle Club Silver Female'12

Our darling Masha (Beyonce Spotty Friend) gained at the year-end competitions the title Austrian Beagle Club Silver Female'12.

World Dog Show
Salzburg, Austria 2012

Our gorgeous Masha (Beyonce Spotty Friend) was placed 4th excellent in a competitive junior class under judge Dr. Peter Beyersdorf. Dream (Maglodi Biggy-Boys Dream) has won the honor class at the Anif Clubshow the day before with exc1/CAC under judge Claudia Pelzmann (Kennel von der Thurnmühle). Three of her kids got very promising at the WDS (no ranking in Austria).

First oversea-champion, 2012

Since than some others followed, but we will always remember Diamond (Vienna Calling Ace of Diamonds) finishing his Canadian Elite Championship, owner handled by Karen Metcalfe (Lemonladies Beagles).

Austrian Beagle Club Clubshow
Helenental, Austria 2011

Little Masha (Beyonce Spotty Friend) Best Puppy in Show at her first outing, while Lopez (Gold Junior Lopez) & Dream (Maglodi Biggy-Boys Dream) went Best Couple of the show under breed specialist judge Elly Vervoort (Kennel from Elly's Pack) later on Masha was rewarded Puppy Best in Show Speciality also in Hungary.

Victory Show 

Bratislava, Slovakia 2011

Justin (Basic Drive's Just Start Again) was awarded Junior Victory Winner by Dr. Vladimir Piskay & Jaroslav Matyas. Later on several Vienna Callings could collect this title.

Austrian Beagle Club Clubshow 2010

Justin (Basic Drive's Just Start Again) is Junior Club Winner'10 under judge Hans van den Berg. The same year he was also awarded Bundesjugendsieger'10 at the IDS Tulln. 

European Dogshow
Celje, Slovenia 2010

Justin (Basic Drive's Just Start Again) res.CAC in the intermediate class under breed specialist judge Andrew Brace.

World Dog Show
Bratislava, Slovakia 2009

Our first beagle, Lopez (Gold Junior Lopez) gaining exc2/res.CAC in the intermediate class under judge Ramon Podesta, standing right after the later world winner. 

European Dogshow
Budapest, Hungary, 2009

Our first show from this class - our Lopez (Gold Junior Lopez) was very promising 3rd in the puppy class.

First champion titles

Our dogs started and finished the first champion titles right from 2009. Soon the first international champions followed - nowadays we can proudly say, all our dogs are (of course depending from their ages) champions & all our adult dogs finished their international champion titles - for their single results check their own pages. We remember of course to almost all our important class wins, CACIBs or breed or group wins, but here only listing some cherries on the top


Serbia, 2008

Details already worn by the time, but still remembering Lopez (Gold Junior Lopez) Best Baby Puppy in Show 3rd.