Emma und Thomas unterwegs / Emma and Thomas on road
Unsere junge Emma war fast 3 Wochen lang durch 5 Länder unterwegs. Das war ein Bootcamp für sie. Trotz die vielen Ausstellungen gab es auch reichlich Zeit zum erholen und das Meer zu entdecken. Schließlich ist das Wichtigste Spaß zu haben.
Evening Joy Emma of Houndmusic Meadows
ist nun
Internationaler Jugend-Schönheitschampion
Mazedonischer Jugendchampion
Jugendchampion von Kosovo
Jugendchampion von Montenegro
Jugendchampion von Bosnien und Herzegowina
Jugendchampion von der Federation von Bosnien und Herzegowina
Junior Spring Cup Winner'24
Junior Sharri Winner'24
Junior Adriatic Winner'24
Crufts Qualification'25
sie wurde nebenbei mehrmals BOS und hat sich sogar ein res. Best in Show Junior schnappen können.
Our young Emma traveled through 5 countries for almost 3 weeks. This was a boot camp for her. Despite the many exhibitions, there was also plenty of time to relax and discover the sea. After all, the most important thing is to have fun.
Evening Joy Emma of Houndmusic Meadows
is now
International Junior Beauty Champion
Macedonian Junior Champion
Junior Champion of Kosovo
Junior Champion of Montenegro
Junior Champion of Bosnia and Hercegovina
Junior Champion of the Federation of Bosnia and Hercegovina
Junior Spring Cup Winner'24
Junior Sharri Winner'24
Junior Adriatic Winner'24
Crufts Qualification'25
she was also awarded BOS several times and she could grab herself also a res. Junior Best In Show title.
Evening Joy Emma of Houndmusic Meadows
ist nun
Internationaler Jugend-Schönheitschampion
Mazedonischer Jugendchampion
Jugendchampion von Kosovo
Jugendchampion von Montenegro
Jugendchampion von Bosnien und Herzegowina
Jugendchampion von der Federation von Bosnien und Herzegowina
Junior Spring Cup Winner'24
Junior Sharri Winner'24
Junior Adriatic Winner'24
Crufts Qualification'25
sie wurde nebenbei mehrmals BOS und hat sich sogar ein res. Best in Show Junior schnappen können.
Our young Emma traveled through 5 countries for almost 3 weeks. This was a boot camp for her. Despite the many exhibitions, there was also plenty of time to relax and discover the sea. After all, the most important thing is to have fun.
Evening Joy Emma of Houndmusic Meadows
is now
International Junior Beauty Champion
Macedonian Junior Champion
Junior Champion of Kosovo
Junior Champion of Montenegro
Junior Champion of Bosnia and Hercegovina
Junior Champion of the Federation of Bosnia and Hercegovina
Junior Spring Cup Winner'24
Junior Sharri Winner'24
Junior Adriatic Winner'24
Crufts Qualification'25
she was also awarded BOS several times and she could grab herself also a res. Junior Best In Show title.