Eröffnung vom Österreichischen Ausstellungsjahr / Opening the Austrian Show Year
Wir haben Piri und Dundee als eine kleine Aufwärmung für die Crufts gezeigt. Sie waren in der Gebrauchshundeklasse gemeldet und bekamen solide Ergebnisse.
Dundee - Vienna Calling Endless Emotion
Sonntag, gerichtet von Branislav Rajic
Gebrauchshundeklasse, v2/4, res.CACA
mit einem tollen Bericht:
"18 month, exc. size, proportions & colour, beautiful head, exc.
eyes, exc. forechest, parallel front, good topline & ribcage, exc. angulation & tail, strong & compact feet, very expressive in stand & even more in movement"
Gebrauchshundeklasse, v2/4, res.CACA
mit einem tollen Bericht:
"18 month, exc. size, proportions & colour, beautiful head, exc.
eyes, exc. forechest, parallel front, good topline & ribcage, exc. angulation & tail, strong & compact feet, very expressive in stand & even more in movement"
Piri - Vienna Calling Eternal Flame
Samstag, gerichtet von László Erdös
Gebrauchshundekalasse, v2/2, res.CACA
Gebrauchshundekalasse, v2/2, res.CACA
Sonntag, gerichtet von Branislav Rajic
Gebrauchshundeklasse, v1/2, CACA
Gebrauchshundeklasse, v1/2, CACA
mit einem tollen Bericht:
"18 month, very beautiful head, brilliant eye expression, exc. forechest, brilliant feet & pasterns, exc. topline, neck, tail & angulation, leg bones strong enough, attractive colour, her head expression is really special, moves well"
"18 month, very beautiful head, brilliant eye expression, exc. forechest, brilliant feet & pasterns, exc. topline, neck, tail & angulation, leg bones strong enough, attractive colour, her head expression is really special, moves well"
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an alle!
We showed Piri & Dundee as a bit warm up for Crufts. They were entered in the working class, and got solid results.
Dundee - Vienna Calling Endless Emotion
Sunday, judged by Branislav Rajic
working class, exc2/4, res.CACA
with an amazing critique:
"18 month, exc. size, proportions & colour, beautiful head, exc.
eyes, exc. forechest, parallel front, good topline & ribcage, exc. angulation & tail, strong & compact feet, very expressive in stand & even more in movement"
working class, exc2/4, res.CACA
with an amazing critique:
"18 month, exc. size, proportions & colour, beautiful head, exc.
eyes, exc. forechest, parallel front, good topline & ribcage, exc. angulation & tail, strong & compact feet, very expressive in stand & even more in movement"
Piri - Vienna Calling Eternal Flame
Saturday, judged by László Erdős
working class, exc2/2, res.CACA
working class, exc2/2, res.CACA
Sunday, judged by Branislav Rajic Bane
working class, exc1/2, CACA
with an amazing critique:
"18 month, very beautiful head, brilliant eye expression, exc. forechest, brilliant feet & pasterns, exc. topline, neck, tail & angulation, leg bones strong enough, attractive colour, her head expression is really special, moves well"
working class, exc1/2, CACA
with an amazing critique:
"18 month, very beautiful head, brilliant eye expression, exc. forechest, brilliant feet & pasterns, exc. topline, neck, tail & angulation, leg bones strong enough, attractive colour, her head expression is really special, moves well"
Congratulations to everyone else!