Herbstliche Jagdprüfungen von ABC / Autumnal hunting exams by the ABC
Obwohl wir keine Jäger sind und auch keine jagdliche Prägung für unsere Welpen bestreben, sind jagdliche Prüfungen für uns wichtig. "Fit for fuction" soll keine leere Phase im Beaglestandard sein. Sie sind Beagles und Beagles sollen auch ihre Arbeitsfähigkeit behalten. Schönheit, Gesundheit und Charakter sind die weiteren Voraussetzungen, um in das Paket zu passen, was „Beagle“ bedeuten soll.
2023 haben 4 Junghunende die Prüfung bestanden:
Vienna Calling Endless Emotion
Vienna Calling Eternal Flame
Vienna Calling Hope for Future
Evening Joy Emma of Houndmusic Meadows
Wir sind sehr stolz auf die Jugend, die nun den Anspruch für das FCI-Zertifikat haben und somit später auch in der Gebrauchshundeklasse starten dürfen.
Although we are not hunters and do not strive for any hunting training for our puppies, hunting tests are important to us. “Fit for function” should not be an empty phase in the Beagle standard. They are beagles and beagles should also retain their ability to work. Beauty, health and character are the other requirements to fit into the package that “Beagle” is supposed to mean.
2023 4 of our youngsters passed the exam:
Vienna Calling Endless Emotion
Vienna Calling Eternal Flame
Vienna Calling Hope for Future
Evening Joy Emma of Houndmusic Meadows
We are very proud of your youth, who now have the right to receive the FCI certificate and can therefore later compete in the working dog class.
2023 haben 4 Junghunende die Prüfung bestanden:
Vienna Calling Endless Emotion
Vienna Calling Eternal Flame
Vienna Calling Hope for Future
Evening Joy Emma of Houndmusic Meadows
Wir sind sehr stolz auf die Jugend, die nun den Anspruch für das FCI-Zertifikat haben und somit später auch in der Gebrauchshundeklasse starten dürfen.
Although we are not hunters and do not strive for any hunting training for our puppies, hunting tests are important to us. “Fit for function” should not be an empty phase in the Beagle standard. They are beagles and beagles should also retain their ability to work. Beauty, health and character are the other requirements to fit into the package that “Beagle” is supposed to mean.
2023 4 of our youngsters passed the exam:
Vienna Calling Endless Emotion
Vienna Calling Eternal Flame
Vienna Calling Hope for Future
Evening Joy Emma of Houndmusic Meadows
We are very proud of your youth, who now have the right to receive the FCI certificate and can therefore later compete in the working dog class.