Showstart für Lennox / Show debut for Lennox
Klein-Lennox ist mit Thomas nach Ungarn gefahren. Seine erste Ausstellung, sein erstes Show-Wochenende ist sehr gut gelungen.
Vienna Calling Luthen Rael
3x vielversprechend1
3x Bester Welpe
res. Minor Puppy Best in Snow
Wir sind nach so einem Debüt gespannt, was die Zukunft bringt.
Baby Lennox drove to Hungary with Thomas. His first show, his first show-weekend was a great success.
Vienna Calling Luthen Rael
3x very promising1
3x Best Minor Puppy
res. Minor Puppy Best in Snow
After such a debut, we are excited to see what the future holds.
Vienna Calling Luthen Rael
3x vielversprechend1
3x Bester Welpe
res. Minor Puppy Best in Snow
Wir sind nach so einem Debüt gespannt, was die Zukunft bringt.
Baby Lennox drove to Hungary with Thomas. His first show, his first show-weekend was a great success.
Vienna Calling Luthen Rael
3x very promising1
3x Best Minor Puppy
res. Minor Puppy Best in Snow
After such a debut, we are excited to see what the future holds.